May 27, · Legalizing Marijuana Essay Outline. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. Paragraph 1: Marijuana has not caused turmoil in some of the countries where it has been legalized. Marijuana does not increase violent, and property crimes as many suggest Marijuana should be legalized because it is less toxic than cigarette, yet cigarette is legal, people have been using it and still use it for medicinal reasons, people will make legal benefit money from selling it, and the government will take control of the illegal selling of marijuana in the street and will make taxes money Kevin Wiley Jr. Professor Banks ENGL April 20, Argument Essay For my topic, I chose “Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S. with certain restrictions?” for my research paper. I will be breaking down and explaining why marijuana shouldn’t just be legal in just some states but why it should be legalized everywhere in the U.S and of course with some restrictions
Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana - Words | Help Me
The first legalization of marijuana was in by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. But for Colorado and Washington, allowing the legalization has brought a lot of positivity towards the drug, and potential to legalize it everywhere. As the legalization of marijuana proceeded in these states, it added billions of dollars to legalizing marijuana persuasive essay economy, created hundreds of jobs, and even provided two medical FDA-approved medications. The legalization should be allowed for these reasons and providing the opportunity for more research. Marijuana is the dried flowers of Cannabis sativa.
As most people know, it can be hand-rolled into what is called joints; put in pipes, water pipes, brewed in tea, or put in food. What puts marijuana on the Schedule 1 list, is the psychoactive chemical responsible for the intoxicating effects that many people seek. This is called deltatetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This can be found in resin produced by the leaves and buds primarily of the female cannabis plant. This plant legalizing marijuana persuasive essay caused a controversial argument in the legalization of it. But legalizing this drug has lowered street crimes throughout Colorado and Washington and has provided billions of dollars to their economy, legalizing marijuana persuasive essay.
This vast amount of money has helped create many jobs as well. Many industries benefit from expenses such as food, transportation, legalizing marijuana persuasive essay, tourism, and even real estate; as more people are coming to these states to experience the legalization of this drug. Legalizing this drug could also bring the crime rates down. Legalization is taking money away from the black markets and the drug cartels. Dispensaries are also helping decrease the crime around the neighborhoods. Many of the storefronts have increased security around the building and around the area. This breaks down the crime rates and the interest to do something dangerous, as it is already legalized. Legalizing this everywhere else will better protect our communities from harm from the dark alleyways of this hidden drug of choice.
Almost two in three Americans are now supporting the use and legalization of marijuana. The more knowledgeable people are about the drug, the more they are willing to accept the legalization. As federal initiatives are taking place now inif the legalization of marijuana were to happen federally, the states would be allowed to make up their own policies. Then they can begin repairing the damage that has been caused by the prohibition, legalizing marijuana persuasive essay. Another reason why legalization should occur is to do more research on the medical use of marijuana. Medical marijuana is using the cannabinoids from the plant. There are two different cannabinoids in the plant, THC, and CBD.
But it does have some benefiting factors such as increasing your appetite, reducing nausea, decreasing pain, inflammation, and muscle control problems. So far the FDA has approved a CBD-based liquid called Epidiolex. This medication can be used for the treatment of severe childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, a severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy which is rare and catastrophic, and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which is a childhood epileptic encephalopathy, which can cause mental retardation, regression, and abnormal findings on an EEG. As none of his medications really help with the uncontrollable shakes, legalizing marijuana persuasive essay, he decided to try CBD oil.
This allowed him to buy it without a prescription, and place a couple of drops under his tongue. This has really helped him as he loves to carve wood and do other projects with his hands, and without it, he would be unable to do these. Something so little, but has so much power has improved his quality of life. As more research is continued on, the legalization can help people like him, and allow them to live their best lives. As legalization is allowed, many states and people can benefit from its good legalizing marijuana persuasive essay. Such as adding billions of dollars to the economy, creating hundreds of jobs, freeing up scarce police resources, and even providing two medical FDA-approved medications.
Lowering crime rates can reduce the use of police and free up jail space as many arrests are due to the use of illegal drugs. As well as the production of marijuana can provide many people with jobs, and a better economy. This could help with the fluctuations of products as prices rise because of no money. Allowing this to be removed from the Schedule 1 list, and legalized across America will improve daily lives. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay, legalizing marijuana persuasive essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper.
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Persuasive Speech: Legalization of Marijuana
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Absolutely free essays on Marijuana. All examples of argumentative, persuasive essay topics were provided by straight-A students. Check them out persuasive essay topics were provided by straight-A students. Check them out. Essay Samples. – Jean Gati There is the “War on Drugs” on one side and Marijuana Legalization as a response Jul 26, · legalization of marijuana will enable people to have a better understanding of the effects each type of pot they have. C. Why Cartels should support legalization of medical marijuana. 1. Create job opportunities for cartels and gangs involved in the drug business. D. Why the General public should also support legalization of marijuana. 1 May 27, · Legalizing Marijuana Essay Outline. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. Paragraph 1: Marijuana has not caused turmoil in some of the countries where it has been legalized. Marijuana does not increase violent, and property crimes as many suggest
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