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Macaulay essays

Macaulay essays

macaulay essays

The Full Life Framework, The Essential Guide. To Create a Rich and Meaningful Life and Stop Surrendering to Your Circumstances Contents. Milton, August Machiavelli, March Hallam, September Southey 's Colloquies, January Mr. Robert Montgomery, April Civil Disabilities of the Jews, January Moore 's Life of Lord Byron, June Samuel Johnson (Croker 's Boswell), September John All Essays — Alastair Macaulay. Alastair Macaulay 4/8/22 Alastair Macaulay 4/8/ The London opera season: four new productions. Read More. Alastair Macaulay 3/12/22 Alastair Macaulay 3/12/ Patricia Lent (Part Two) on Merce Cunningham. Read More. Alastair Macaulay 3/11/22 Alastair Macaulay 3/11/22

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He is considered primarily responsible for the introduction of a Western-style education system in India. Macaulay wrote extensively as an essayist, on contemporary and historical sociopolitical subjects, and as a reviewer. His The History of England was a seminal and paradigmatic example of Whig historyand its literary style has remained an object of praise since its publication, including subsequent to the widespread condemnation of its historical contentions which became popular in the 20th century. Macaulay served as the Secretary at War between andand as the Paymaster-General between and He played a major role in the introduction of Macaulay essays and western concepts to education in Indiaand published his argument on the subject in the "Macaulay's Minute" in He supported the replacement of Persian by English as the official languagethe use of English as the medium of instruction in all schools, and the training of English-speaking Indians to serve as teachers.

During his political and scholarly career, Macaulay consistently stressed the supposed superiority of Western culture. In his Minute on Indian Education of Macaulay essaysMacaulay wrote that "a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia when we pass from works of imagination to works in which facts are recorded, and general macaulay essays investigated, the superiority of the Europeans becomes absolutely immeasurable. He opposed radicalism macaulay essays idealising historical European culture and traditions. Macaulay was born at Rothley Temple [4] in Leicestershire on 25 Octoberthe macaulay essays of Zachary Macaulaymacaulay essays Scottish Highlanderwho became a colonial governor and abolitionistand Selina Mills of Bristola former pupil of Hannah More.

He was educated at a private school in Hertfordshiremacaulay essays, and, subsequently, at Trinity College, Cambridge. InMacaulay published a prominent essay on Milton in the Edinburgh Review. He studied law, and in he was called to the barbut he soon took more interest in a political career. Macaulay, who never married and had no children, was rumoured to have fallen in love with Maria Kinnairdwho was the wealthy ward macaulay essays Richard "Conversation" Sharp, macaulay essays. As Hannah grew older, he formed a close attachment to Hannah's daughter Margaret, whom he called "Baba". Macaulay retained a passionate interest in western classical literature throughout his life, and prided himself on his knowledge of Ancient Greek literature. He likely had an eidetic memory.

In his letters, he describes reading the Aeneid whilst on vacation in Malvern inand being moved to tears by the beauty of Virgil 's poetry. He also taught himself German, Dutch, and Spanish, and remained fluent in French. In the Marquess of Lansdowne invited Macaulay to become Member of Parliament for the pocket borough of Calne. His maiden speech was in favour of abolishing the civil disabilities macaulay essays the Jews in the UK. Macaulay made his name with a series of speeches in favour of parliamentary reform.

Though proud to have helped pass the Reform Bill, Macaulay never ceased to be grateful to his former patron, macaulay essays, Lansdowne, who remained a great friend and political ally. Macaulay was Secretary to the Board of Control under Lord Grey macaulay essays until The financial embarrassment of his father meant that Macaulay essays became the sole means of support for his family and needed a more remunerative post than he could hold as an MP. After the passing of the Government of India Acthe resigned as MP for Leeds and macaulay essays appointed as the first Law Member of the Governor-General's Council. He went to India inand served on the Supreme Council of India between and In his well-known Minute on Indian Education of Februarymacaulay essays, [3] Macaulay urged Lord William Bentinckthe Governor-General to reform secondary education on utilitarian lines to deliver "useful learning" — a phrase that to Macaulay was synonymous with Western culture.

There was no tradition of secondary education in vernacular languages; the institutions then supported by the East India Company taught either in Sanskrit or Persian. Hence, he argued, "We have to educate a people who cannot at present be educated by means macaulay essays their mother-tongue. We must teach them some foreign language. In one of the less scathing passages of the Minute he wrote:. I have no knowledge of either Sanskrit or Arabic. But I have done what I could to form a correct estimate of their value. I have read translations of the most celebrated Arabic and Sanskrit works.

I have conversed macaulay essays here and at home with men distinguished by their proficiency in macaulay essays Eastern tongues. I am quite ready to take the Oriental learning at the valuation of the Orientalists themselves. I have never found one among them who could deny that macaulay essays single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia. Neither Sanskrit nor Arabic poetry matched that of Europe; in other branches of learning the disparity was even greater, macaulay essays, he argued:.

It will hardly be disputed, I suppose, that the department of literature in which the Eastern writers stand highest is poetry. And I certainly never met with any orientalist who ventured to maintain that the Arabic and Sanskrit poetry could be compared to that of the great European nations, macaulay essays. But when we pass from works of imagination to works in which facts are recorded and general principles investigated, the superiority of the Europeans becomes absolutely immeasurable. It is, I believe, macaulay essays exaggeration to say that all the historical information macaulay essays has been collected from all the books written in the Sanskrit language is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgments used at preparatory schools in England.

In every branch of macaulay essays or moral philosophy, the relative position of the two nations is nearly the same. Hence, from the sixth year of schooling onwards, instruction should be in European learning, with English as the medium of instruction, macaulay essays. This would create a class of anglicised Indians who would serve as cultural intermediaries between the British and the Indians; the creation of such a class was necessary before any reform of vernacular education: [20] [3]. I feel that it is impossible for us, with our limited means, to attempt to educate the body of the people. We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, — a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect, macaulay essays.

To that class we may leave it to refine the vernacular dialects of the country, to enrich those dialects with terms of science borrowed from the Western nomenclature, and to render them macaulay essays degrees fit vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population, macaulay essays. Macaulay's minute largely coincided with Bentinck's views [21] and Bentinck's English Education Act closely matched Macaulay's recommendations ina school named La Martinièrefounded by Major General Claude Martin, had one of its houses named after himbut subsequent Governors-General took a more conciliatory approach to existing Indian education.

His final macaulay essays in India were devoted to the creation of a Penal Code, macaulay essays, as the leading member of the Law Commission. In the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny ofmacaulay essays, Macaulay's criminal law proposal was enacted, macaulay essays. The Indian Penal Code inspired counterparts in most other British coloniesand to date many of these laws are still in effect in places as far apart as PakistanSingaporeBangladeshSri LankaNigeria and Zimbabweas well as in India itself. In Indian culture, the term "Macaulay's Children" is sometimes used to refer to people born of Indian ancestry who adopt Western culture as a lifestyle, macaulay essays, or display attitudes influenced by colonialism " Macaulayism " [24] — expressions used disparagingly, and with the implication of disloyalty to one's country and one's heritage.

In independent India, Macaulay's idea of the civilising mission has been used by Dalitists, macaulay essays, in particular by neo-liberalist Chandra Bhan Prasadmacaulay essays, as a "creative appropriation for self-empowerment", based on the view that the Dalit community was empowered by Macaulay's deprecation of Hindu culture and support for Western-style education in India. Domenico Losurdo states that "Macaulay acknowledged that the English colonists in India behaved like Spartans confronting helots : we are dealing with 'a race of sovereign' or a 'sovereign caste', wielding absolute power over its 'serfs', macaulay essays.

Returning to Britain inhe became MP macaulay essays Edinburgh in the following year, macaulay essays. He was made Secretary at War in by Lord Melbourne and was sworn of the Privy Council the same year. Macaulay's position, slightly modified, became the basis of copyright law in the English-speaking world for many decades. In the election of he lost his seat in Edinburgh, macaulay essays. In he was elected Rector of the University of Glasgowa position with no administrative duties, often awarded by the students to men of political or literary fame. Inthe voters of Edinburgh offered to re-elect him to Parliament. He accepted on the express condition that he need not campaign and would not pledge himself to a position on any political issue.

Remarkably, he was elected on those terms. His weakness after suffering a heart attack caused him to postpone for several months making his speech of thanks to the Edinburgh voters. He resigned his seat in January Macaulay sat on the committee to decide on the historical subjects to be painted in the new Palace of Westminster. During his later years his health made work increasingly difficult for him. He died of a heart attack on 28 Decemberaged 59, leaving his major work, The History of England from the Accession of James the Second incomplete. Macaulay's nephew, Sir George Trevelyan, Btwrote a best-selling "Life and Letters" of his famous uncle, which is still the best complete life of Macaulay [ citation needed ].

His great-nephew was the Cambridge historian G. As a young man he composed the ballads Ivry and The Armada[39] which he later included as part of Lays of Ancient Romea series of very popular poems about heroic episodes in Roman history which he began composing in India and continued in Rome, finally publishing in It contains the oft-quoted lines: [41]. Then out spake brave Horatius, macaulay essays, The Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods? His essays, originally published in the Edinburgh Reviewwere collected as Critical and Historical Essays in During the s, Macaulay undertook his most famous work, The History of England from the Accession of James the Secondpublishing the first two volumes in At first, he had planned to bring his history down to the reign of George III.

After publication of his first two volumes, his hope was to complete his work with the death of Queen Anne in The third macaulay essays fourth volumes, bringing the history to the Peace of Ryswickmacaulay essays, were published in At his death in he was working on the fifth volume. This, bringing the History down to the death of William IIIwas prepared for publication by his sister, macaulay essays, Lady Trevelyan, after his death. Macaulay's political writings are famous for their ringing prose and for their confident, sometimes dogmatic, macaulay essays, emphasis on a progressive model of British history, according to which the country threw off superstition, autocracy and confusion to create a balanced constitution and a forward-looking culture combined with freedom of belief and expression.

This model of human progress has been called the Whig interpretation of history. This philosophy appears macaulay essays clearly in the essays Macaulay wrote for the Edinburgh Review and other publications, which were collected in book form and a steady best-seller throughout the 19th century. But it is also reflected in History ; the most stirring passages in the work are those that describe the " Glorious Revolution " of Macaulay's approach has been criticised by later historians for its one-sidedness and its complacency. Karl Marx referred to him as a 'systematic macaulay essays of history'. Macaulay goes to considerable length, for example, to absolve his main hero William III of any responsibility for the Glencoe massacre. Macaulay essays Churchill devoted a four-volume macaulay essays of the Duke of Marlborough to rebutting Macaulay's macaulay essays on his ancestor, expressing hope 'to fasten the label "Liar" to his genteel coat-tails.

The Liberal historian Lord Acton read Macaulay's History of England four times and later described himself as "a raw English schoolboy, primed to the brim with Whig politics" but "not Whiggism only, but Macaulay in particular that I was so full macaulay essays. He was not above par in literary criticism; his Indian articles will not hold water; and his two most famous reviews, on Bacon and Rankeshow his incompetence. The essays are only pleasant reading, and a key to half the prejudices macaulay essays our age. It is the History with macaulay essays or two speeches that is wonderful. He knew nothing respectably before the seventeenth century, he knew nothing of foreign history, of religion, philosophy, science, or art.

His account of debates has been thrown into the shade by Ranke, his account of diplomatic affairs, by Klopp. He is, I am persuaded, grossly, basely unfair.

Milton by Thomas Babington Macaulay read by Pamela Nagami - Full Audio Book

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Thomas Babington Macaulay - Wikipedia

macaulay essays

Jul 24,  · I applied to macaulay through baruch and used one of my essays from macaulay for baruch scholars, but got accepted to macaulay for the upcoming fall. I would think it's okay, since the macaulay admission people who read your essays are different from the general admission.. Jazmine August 11, , pm #3. Use the same essay Nov 08,  · First, you need to complete your regular CUNY application, indicating your intention to apply to Macaulay Honors College. Then comes the tough part: the essays. Macaulay requires two essays of approximately words each. For each essay, you have two prompts from which to choose. Essay 1: Personal Reflection Contents. Milton, August Machiavelli, March Hallam, September Southey 's Colloquies, January Mr. Robert Montgomery, April Civil Disabilities of the Jews, January Moore 's Life of Lord Byron, June Samuel Johnson (Croker 's Boswell), September John

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