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Personal finance essay

Personal finance essay

personal finance essay

Oct 26,  · In personal finance, attention must be given to how income is generated for the household and whatever income might be earned, it should be allotted in a manner that it Feb 12,  · Personal Financial Situation This essay examines the personal financial statements of Manny Harris, part-time student and part-time sales associate at Wal-Mart. ️ Personal Finance, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools. ️ Personal Finance, Essay Example from students

Essay About Personal Financial Plan | WOW Essays

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Estate Planningpersonal finance essay, ReconstructionIncome TaxPensionVacationGarageInflation RateTime Value. Pages: 7. Words: However, personal finance essay, financial planning is not as simple as outlining the current personal assets versus liabilities because similar to business personal finance essay planning it also considers both external and external environmental attributions. Internal factors vary from risk tolerance, projected financial situation, discipline, goals, spending, saving and investment patterns and consumption.

On the other hand, external factors include social, legal, political, personal finance essay, taxation and technological influences that has either direct or indirect effects to personal finances Dalton,p. In order to create a comprehensive personal financial plan, the step is to analyze the current financial situation and assess possible outcomes using the appropriate financial tools. Secondly, short-term, mid-term and long-term goals will personal finance essay identified and ranked personal finance essay to their importance in relation to expected and available resources. After which, the first two steps will be incorporated to complete a financial development plan that will provide a clear picture of future finances. The future market and economic conditions are generally unknown and at any time will changes at any point.

These assumptions were made to represent the economic and market conditions that may occur in the future and was designed to promote actions needed to address any possibilities of risk. The main objective is to aid the family in terms of managing and personal finance essay a steady financial situation under changeable circumstances. Actions: It is apparent that my parents may run out of money before they reach the last life expectancy of 90 years old. It is necessary for the success of the financial planning to ensure that the asset allocation is aligned with the goals.

Therefore, it is important that the suggested assets should be compared to the current allocation because it the appropriateness of the allocation is beneficial to the situation provided that the assets have been allocated precisely. Below is the graphical representation of the asset allocation in relation to the above asset worksheet. The above represents a simple allocation of assets, which can be improved by diversifying the types of securities within the mix Warschauer, Below is the suggested allocation, personal finance essay, which represents a personal finance essay of asset allocation mix. Financial planning for the future requires organizing situations wherein the family would not be able to all the desired financial goals.

Prioritizing is the key in achieving the desired goals by means of personal finance essay the goals and evaluating the long-term impacts of expenses towards the current personal finance essay situation for financial sustainability Trochim and Linton, In addition, expenses associated with financial goals appeared to have a potential effect that would lead to a sustainable financial stability throughout life. In order to create the illustration, the current plan has been re assessed of its calculations several times excluding the associated expenses along with the various priorities of the financial goals.

It starts with calculating the only the highest priority goals, retirement expenses and other expenses identified as important. Furthermore, the highest priority items will be categorized accordingly as primary and secondary and options will also be included. There are three expenses mentioned earlier, which are reconstructing the garage, personal finance essay, remodeling of the basement rooms and a vacation in France. The categorizations of each expense are based on the current need for them to be executed. For example, the reconstruction of the garage is relatively important because it poses a hazard to other assets such particularly to the vehicles. The secondary priority is the remodeling of the basement room, which is designated as an office and study area.

Finally, the French vacation is considered as least important because it is only regarded as a leisure trip, personal finance essay, which has no long-term significant benefit to the family other than a self-compensation for long years of hard work. The retirement expense forecast is a combination of estimated Social Security benefits together with pre-defined pension benefits and plotted to show estimated living expenses on an annual basis during retirement, personal finance essay. The estimation will begin during the legal retirement age of 60 years old and will continue until the pre-determined life expectancy, personal finance essay.

The basis of retirement expenses is the goal objective that has been adjusted according to inflation rate personal. com, N. It may sound feasible for a moment, but other factors such as cost of healthcare, cost of living, tax hikes and inflation also poses an immense impact to the overall outcomes of the retirement forecast. Ultimately, the amount allotted to the retirement fund is a kind of decision that will depend upon several factors such as the type of lifestyle intended in the future. It also explains the reason personal finance essay maintaining a considerable plan personal finance essay will serves as a guide in making financial decisions.

In addition, several steps need to be considered when it comes to estimating expenses. First, is the non-discretionary spending, which includes residence mortgage, transportation, healthcare, insurance premiums, utility bills and taxes, personal finance essay. Secondly, discretionary spending, these are the things that can either be reconsidered to be stopped at will or can be identified as the least priority. Some examples may include hobbies, travel, personal finance essay, gifts, entertainment and charitable donations.

Third, is inflation, this is a kind of expense personal finance essay cannot be modified at will. Financial planning always needs an estimation of the inflation rate because the likelihood that the budget allotted for retirement may change over the years. There could either be an excess or variance to the budget depending on the increase and decrease on the time value of money. Lastly emergency funds, unexpected circumstances will call for an immediate financial response. For instance, one of the family members is being hospitalized and the current healthcare plan will not be sufficient to cover the cost. It is important that the budget also includes expenses during times of immediate need.

After determining expenses, the next step is to sum up the gross income. Income may come from social security, pension plan, retirement portfolio, part-time employment and annuities. Determining all the aforementioned will measure the amount of money coming in to the household and will serves as a benchmark for spending. Maximizing the potentials of the said income streams would alleviate potential risks of running out of money and jeopardizing the long-term financial goals. Subsequently, any instances of shortfalls should resort to reduction of expenses, late retirement, saving more today or taking more jobs than the usual. If there a surplus of funds at hand, it would be best to reinvest excess money back to the retirement portfolio or put more money in the emergency reserves.

Like any other financial planning the complex and critical components include considerations for estate planning. An effective financial plan needs careful coordination of various areas in the financial plan. The primary goal of the estate planning section is highlighting the concept of illustrating personal finance essay benefits of estate planning basic techniques. Back in the estate tax rate was at zero Larsen, Most people would minimize estate tax exposure as part of their primary goal. Some of the basic techniques used for estate planning are the maximization of the Applicable Exclusion Amount, Revocable Living Trust, Unlimited Marital Deduction, Annual Gift Exclusion, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust and Unlimited Personal finance essay Deductions.

Other goals might also include minimizing income tax, estate liquidity and managing administrative, probate and other expenses. Assumptions also include life insurance benefits that were kept out of the taxable estate. Financial planning is crucial for the survival of an individual or in this case, our family. Determining the amount of money at hand including assets and liabilities is essentially helpful in terms of foreseeing the financial health of the entire family or any survivor after life expectancy. Personal financial planning ultimately leads to the achievement of future goal, being knowledgeable about own finances and being familiar with budgeting.

With the apparent unstable economy, personal finance essay, unexpected tax hikes and diminishing financial options, it becomes more apparent that financial survival is a key for a sustainable future. Dalton, M. External Environmental Analysis. In Personal financial personal finance essay Theory and practice 5th ed. Rose, LA: DF Institute, Inc. Larsen, K. Overview of personal financial planning. Professional Development Network, 1 0. com n. Evaluate your retirement expenses and income. Personal financial planning and the allocation of disposable wealth.

Financial Services Review, 1 2. Trochim, W. Conceptualization for planning and evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 9 4— The Role of Universities in the Development of the Personal Financial Planning Profession. Financial Services Review, 11 3. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER Sign in. HIRE WRITER. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees How It Works FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services.

ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Goals: - My dad personal finance essay to retire at 64 and mom wants to retire at the same age as well. Asset Allocations It is necessary for the success of the financial planning to ensure that the asset allocation is aligned with the goals. Goal Evaluation Financial planning for the future requires organizing situations wherein the family would not be able to all the desired financial goals. Other Considerable Factors in Planning Like any other financial planning the complex and critical components include considerations for estate personal finance essay. Conclusion Financial planning is crucial for the survival of an individual or in this case, our family.

References Dalton, M. Financial Planning. Financial Health. Financial Goals.

A Minimalist Approach to Personal Finance

, time: 7:44

Personal Finance, Essay Example |

personal finance essay

Feb 12,  · Personal Financial Situation This essay examines the personal financial statements of Manny Harris, part-time student and part-time sales associate at Wal-Mart. ️ Personal Finance, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools. ️ Personal Finance, Essay Example from students Oct 26,  · In personal finance, attention must be given to how income is generated for the household and whatever income might be earned, it should be allotted in a manner that it

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