Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Running essay

Running essay

running essay

This tingly, burning sensation was getting worse, and I just wanted to stop running. I kept pushing though, even as the pain was building. I reached the top of the hill, and was now on flat land. I was now running on a narrow, gravel lane with screaming fans lined up on both sides of the pathway. “Go, go!” a woman shouted It cleansed him of all his bad habits, and when he started running, all he wanted to do was run. He was the best runner in his high school, setting records upon records. He also set many records and college, and even records in the Olympics. His brother Pete, pushed him and trained him to run. Pete was also a runner himself Jan 28,  · The other very distinct trend, which was also included in about 50% of the essays was the practice of using running as a way to get into a different head space than where we spend most of our life: “to connect with self,” “to feel the ‘flow’,” “to experience a runner’s high,” and “the space between the noise” are just a handful of the phrases used to describe this

Running For Glory

A bird chirps in the distance. Damp leaves cry old raindrops off trees. Two feet pound the ground, as the ground pounds equally back. Everything is in sync. One unified song of peace. I breathe running essay the music of my surroundings, exhaling my frustrations, my worries, my cares. It hurts a little at first. I look up at the sky, down at my feet; all around I see the sweet sounds composing themselves to a melody before my eyes. I keep going, and I smile, realizing I am playing my part to the piece. Apart from one goal, everything in the world is irrelevant. One focus: to keep going, to put one foot in front of the other, and breath in and out.

All that once mattered vanishes like vapor in thin air, running essay. Time is not of the essence. My feet break flawless sheets of ice in a deserted wood while the barren world is frozen silent. Heat radiates up like steam from a teapot. I see a figure approaching me as I move closer. My knees drive upward on a chilly fall morning, running essay. Leaves crunch as my calves ache, running essay, praying for the earth to break even. I continue up the slant, head faced forward, for I can see the end a few feet ahead. One cannot point their finger on a globe to find where I am. This is not one specified location. Anyone can contribute a part to the song I am singing, but nothing can replicate my part I am composing for it.

Nobody can find me, my place. When I run, I am one with the Earth. I am unified with my surroundings, whatever they may be. When I run, I go to a place where I am untouchable. I am overcome with a feeling of complete and utter euphoria. There is no place I can ever go where I will feel as content as I feel when I am going. When I am moving my feet to the rhythm of the song life sings. In essence, I will never feel alone even in the loneliest of places. When I running essay, I take my home with me. Wherever I go, running essay, I reacquaint myself with my state of mind that brings me at ease. There is no feeling quite like it that brings me such gratification.

My breath is heavy by the time I reach the top. Hands on hips, I look around. I have stopped, however the Earth continues to spin around me. In the crisp air, a slight breeze of wind rattles in my ear. The bird is still chirping. The leaves are still dripping. Everything is still singing. I breathe running essay the harmony of all things of existence. What a day it is to be alive. When Easter was all about the fanfare of candy, eggs, outfits, and dinner, running essay, I had an incomplete understanding of the grace of God. Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays, running essay. Throughout my childhood, there was always something so enchanting about the routine of dying eggs Saturday evening, waking up early the next morning to hunt for a basket full of goodies, and donning a fresh new outfit for Easter service complete with frills, running essay, lace, and pastels.

After church, the frills were exchanged for PJ's and a marathon consumption of peeps, running essay, jelly beans, and chocolate eggs ensued while my siblings and I awaited the early afternoon feast ahead. That was Easter when I was little. My parents have since ceased to supply running essay goodies for the celebration of Jesus' resurrection, and I am lucky to scrounge something up from my wardrobe to serve as an Easter ensemble. Despite the cessation of goodies and frilly outfits, Easter is still one of my favorite holidays. Easter is still one of my favorite holidays because I am a girl who has been redeemed through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.

I could not comprehend the brevity of the grace of God and the sacrifice of His son until I was Because I didn't grasp the full meaning of atonement until the age of 18, I began to instigate the cracks in the foundation of my downfall in my early teenage years. My parents maintained the tradition of Easter basket well into my early teenage years, running essay, but the treats became easier to find with each passing year. Similarly, the necessity for grace in my life became easier to find. An adeptness in gossip, an air of superiority, and a precarious self-esteem combined to yield the most difficult years running essay my life.

The years most worthy of God's grace in my running essay, yet devoid of it. The fruit of my gossipy, haughty, anxious crop induced profound anxiety attacks at age 16 and led to an excruciating break-up at age The anxiety attacks of 16 and the break-up of 17 led to the downfall of my perceived superiority and the accentuation of self-consciousness and self-loathing. The catastrophic cocktail of my middle years of high school led me to the pit of despair. It was in that pit that I found a man with nails in his hands and scars on his brow. A man who looked at me, and despite the depravity of my frayed nerves and wounded self-confidence, called me lovely.

He saw my anxious, uncertain, saddened disposition and decided that he would die so that I running essay know the love running essay his Father, running essay. By the age of eighteen, that is what Easter came to mean to me, running essay. Now, Easter is a running essay of the place where I found Jesus. The weepy girl who couldn't walk into youth group because of her acute social anxiety found Jesus. The girl who slipped into a bout of depression because of the massive rejection she faced from a boy she thought she loved, found Jesus. And the girl who continued to sin and mess up in the years to come still finds Jesus.

I find Jesus every day. I find Jesus in my sinful thoughts, running essay. I find Jesus in my failures. I find Jesus in my weakness. And when I find running essay, he reminds me that because he suffered, I can live, running essay. Despite the anxiety I battle every day, I can approach the throne of Running essay. Despite the guilt I feel for poor decisions I have running essay in the past, I am called lovely by the one who spun the earth into motion. No matter the state or circumstances of my depravity, because Jesus died, running essay, I can live. For the girl who has been redeemed of her shame, guilt, and lack of faith, Easter is the ultimate reminder that God sees us.

He sees our sin. He sees our wounds. And he covered it all, the human condition, the sin, running essay, and wounds, with the sacrificial lamb we call, Jesus. I don't have to live paralyzed by anxiety, and neither do you. I don't have to feel guilty for who I am or what I have done because Jesus died so that I might have the privilege of repentance. When you accept Jesus into your heart, you have that privilege too. Freedom from your ailments and forgiveness for your points of guilt and shame all because one man paid the ultimate price. You can't even begin to tell me that people actually enjoy these pieces of candy! I mean I know different people running essay different things but ew come on people, running essay, running essay Those are disgusting!

Peeps Giphy 2. Jelly Belly Giphy 3. Bunny Corn candy corn upload. I just personally don't like that much easter candy to begin with so these are just some of the ones I really can't stand! Running essay is coming to a close, and the Holy Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday is upon us. Lent this year has been a good journey for me, although I have not completely stuck to my resolutions. As this season of the liturgical year gives way to Paschal time, I have been reflecting on the deeper meaning behind Good Friday. Some people die in the prime of life, while others live but a few years.

While stories like running essay generate a sense of sympathy and wistfulness when seen on the news, we never dream that it could happen to us. This year, Good Friday and Holy Saturday April th coincide with some important anniversaries, and I think that there is a common theme among them that should be mentioned. On April 14 th, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg near Greenland, and had completely sunk by the early morning hours of April 15 th. This year will be the th anniversary of the sinking. Now, before we all running essay daydreaming about Rose and Jack, pause to think of all the other people who suffered this tragedy.

High School Runner Finds His College Essay, And Himself, In Boston's Neighborhoods

, time: 2:53

My Favourite Sport - Running, Essay Sample

running essay

Jun 11,  · But the best part of running is the solitude of being alone while I am training and while I am racing. Running has become my "zen," my peaceful space and my form of meditation. In addition, being an avid cook and a foodie, running keeps me fit and healthy. Furthermore, I met some of my best friends through my races all over the country and the world Essay about Running - Words | Bartleby This tingly, burning sensation was getting worse, and I just wanted to stop running. I kept pushing though, even as the pain was building. I reached the top of the hill, and was now on flat land. I was now running on a narrow, gravel lane with screaming fans lined up on both sides of the pathway. “Go, go!” a woman shouted

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